Monday, March 19, 2012

Elephants, Integration, School, Repeat.

 I do believe I can now say I am partially integrated into German culture. I understand Germans, and why they do the somewhat strange things they do. When I got here, I saw these differences as weird, but now I see it all as perfectly normal. I have slid into a daily routine here, that I am very comfortable with. It was changed very suddenly when Raul left two weeks ago, but I have managed to get things back under control. Nonetheless, it's weird that he isn't here anymore. He was such a big part of my year here, and with him gone, I've realized that a big part of my exchange is over. And that scares me. About a year ago I created this blog. The purpose? To write about my exchange year in Germany. Which I kinda have followed through with, no matter how seldom I actually post. When I created this blog, I had just discovered that I would be going to Denmark. I was so excited, but so extremely, nervous. At that point, I had been accepted as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student, but I wasn't sure yet if I was capable of doing it. Did I want to spend the year in Europe? Of course! But as a fourteen year old girl, the idea of being away from my mom for an entire year, was pretty much the scariest idea I ever thought of. So why did I do it? I honestly don't know. But I can honestly say, that going on exchange was the most right thing I ever did. It felt right, and I followed my gut, instead of my head. And something surprisingly wonderful happened. I'm experiencing the best year of my life. So much changes in the course of a year. Exactly a year ago, I was with the other outbounds, in Charleston, for the Rotary District Conference. At that point, I had still thought I was going to Denmark, if I was even going at all. I was scared, nervous, and honestly, didn't know that much about anything. And now a year later, a year older, here I am. In Germany. Having the time of my life. Experienced so many emotions and feelings in the lapse of one year, that I don't think should even be possible. I've been given so many wonderful oppurtunites, and chances. To excel. To learn. To love my life. My life is completely different from how it was one year ago. Back then, I was afraid of leaving home. And now that feeling has returned. But it's because I'm leaving my new home, knowing I will never come back to it as it is now. I am afraid of my life for when I come home. I'm not sure what it's going to be like. I know that not that much has changed. But I wish it has, because I have. And it would make everything a lot simpler. I love my life here so much, and I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the time I got to spend here. I came here, not really knowing what to expect, just knowing that I wanted to get away, and to change. Find myself if you will. And even though I don't really know what I came here to find, I feel content. Like any questions I held before are somehow miraculously answered. Naturally I owe a lot of people for this year. So thank you to my wonderfully brilliant mother, who supported me even when I drove her crazy. Thanks to my sister, who puts a smile on my face every single time we skype. And a huge thank you to Rotary, for all the amazing work they do, and putting their trust in me, and giving me the greatest chance of a life time. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.