Monday, February 27, 2012

Time flies, and you never realize what you had until it's gone!

Being an exchange student is fun, and contains all those wonderfully glorious moments, but at the same time I am ever changing, ever growing. Learning more about life and how things work than I could ever have thought possible. Last week, I found out that my best friend, Raul, is being sent back to Brazil. This has given me a lot to reflect on, and made me realize just how important time was, and now that I look back, I also see, just how fast time flies by. Before going on Exchange, I looked at this year as intimidating, thinking it would be long and drawn out. But it's been the complete opposite. Here I am, more than halfway through, and I am wondering where the first half disappeared to. The thing with Raul is, I have never had a friend as close as him. Ever. And I thought that I had five more months left with him. Five more months of fun, laughter, carelessness, friendship. Five more months before I had to say good bye. Due to the sudden change of events, I now only have a week. A week to say unspoken words and enjoy his presence all the more. When on Exchange, exchange students are your best friends. But Raul is more than that to me-he's family. Only now that he's going, it's different than saying good-bye to my own family. When I said goodbye to them at the airport, I knew exactly when I would be seeing them again. With Raul, it's a mystery. There's a chance I will never see him again. I have never cried so many tears as I have in the past two weeks. He, Kait, and Akseli, have become my family here. People I will never forget-that I never CAN forget. They are such a constant in my life, I simply can't imagine what it's going to be like without them. I didn't think that I would have to wonder about this for another five months, but now it's all thrust into perspective. This shows me how truly special every moment was, and how much I value it. But now I value time even more. It escapes from you in the blink of an eye, leaving you not realizing what you actually had. I knew I had a friend in Raul, and thought he would always be there for me. I know he is, the only difference is, now we are continents apart. There's an expression, "life each day like it's your last" and another, " don't regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted." I plan on living my life by these. I don't want there to be regrets, only love and fun. I want to jump on all these opportunities, and enjoy every glorious, happy, tragic, hilarious, unbelievable moment that life has to offer. Raul has taught me a lot, and I love him for it. He's shown me how a true friendship is, and I will not forget it. So live for every moment, cause in the next, it could be gone.

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